A Quick Glimpse

For almost two years now, I've kept a huge part of my life to myself and only those closest to me. After very recent events, I now feel that I'm not who I once was. One specific event has truly altered my being, therefore changing who I am as a person. Moving forward, I no longer feel the need to hide behind this façade, but rather to write in hopes of healing my mind and my body. 

My goal is not to reach people, but to offer a space that I feel safe. A space to write about the events that have happened and my ongoing journey. I feel that I need others to know the "why" behind my thoughts and actions, as I simply try to navigate my way through each day. I do not wish for sympathy or opinions. Though I know it is human nature to console others, I'm in a space right now where not much people say can help me through life. 

No, I'm not currently okay. No, you don't know that it will be okay. Yes, I pray. Yes, I know God has "his timing" and not mine. No, that thought is no longer helpful. No, I'm not trying to be a victim. Yes, I've tried "being patient." Yes, I'm seeking help to better navigate through these times... It goes on and on. 

I just hope for your continued love, support, and prayer.