Second cycle begins

Published on 21 January 2024 at 10:42

Thursday 1/18, was the start of my second cycle on Femara-- an alternative to the very common fertility medication known as Clomid. Due to my AMH being high, I was put on Femara instead. To start off that morning, I needed to get a "baseline ultrasound," that would ensure everything looked clear. Once receiving the "all good," I was sent to pick up my medication, which needs to be taken for five nights.
I've been a bit anxious about the medication because during the first round, I felt awful-- I had daily migraines/headaches and was almost at a constant state of dizziness. This time, I've only had the dizziness.
On Friday 1/26, I will be going back in for a follicle ultrasound, that will tell us if I am ovulating on the left or right side. If I'm ovulating on the right side again, it was a waste of another thousand dollars--which is really tough to swallow. However, if I'm lucky enough to ovulate on the left side, then we have the go-ahead to issue the "trigger shot" and try to conceive. 

I'm not sure how I'm feeling-- not incredibly well. I wish I could tell everyone that I'm positive this will be THE one, but I just don't want to get my hopes up. The last few days, I've been extremely emotional. I just feel so alone in the process-- though I know I'm not necessarily alone. Sean is as supportive as he knows how to be. Unfortunately, he doesn't understand how messed up my hormones are and the affect that has on my mind and body, or how I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. After all, having our child is pretty much up to my body kicking into gear. There isn't much more I can say to try and help him understand just how I feel or what is going on in my mind either. I feel that I need to start keeping my thoughts to myself so as not to bother him with the same thing over and over again. 

Thought I said, I don't want to get my hopes up, my period was different/lighter than normal. So I'm curious if maybe this will be the left side. 
Anyways, Friday is the big day! Stay tuned.

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Sara Cables
a year ago

Sending prayers for the left side!! I think sharing your thoughts and feelings is what helps process it, getting it out loud and here typing/on paper is so healthy and allows you to process it! Lifting you up in prayer for all the things the week. For it to be your left side, help you anxiousness around your thoughts and the process, and everything else going on! ❤️As always be proud because sharing like this takes all the courage! YOU ARE BRAVE AND STRONG!